The DRI-II is a self-report DUI/DWI offender assessment comprised of 140-item. The items comprise 5 scales: 1) Truthfulness Scale; 2) Driver Risk Scale; 3) Alcohol Scale; 4) Drug Scale and 5) Stress Management Scale. The DRI incorporates the DSM-5 Substance Use Disorder classification, along with independent alcohol and drug use severity scales. Four risk classifications, along with clinical judgement, are used to inform treatment recommendations. Test administration requires 25-30 minutes and can be completed individually or in groups; tests are administered as paper/pencil or using a computer.

Driver Risk Inventory (DRI), Scientific Findings. Volume I

Driver Risk Inventory (DRI), Scientific Findings. Volume II

Driver Risk Inventory (DRI), Scientific Findings. Volume III

Degiorgio L. (2017). Accuracy of a Screening Classification Application in a Longitudinal Study of DUI Offenders. Impaired Driving Update, 53-54, 69-70

Degiorgio Worthy, L. (2014). Examining Equivalency of the Driver Risk Inventory (DRI) Test Versions: Does it Matter Which Version I Use? Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling Development. Accepted for Publication November 19, 2014.

Degiorgio, L. (2014). Current DUI offenders with pending DUI charges. Journal of Community Corrections, 23(3). 5-6, 16-17.

Degiorgio, L. (2013). Stress coping abilities and motivation for treatment among DUI recidivists.Journal of Community Corrections, 22, 3, 5-9

Degiorgio, L. (2013). Current DUI offenders with pending DUI charges-recidivism insight from a unique offender sample. Currently under review by the Journal of Community Corrections.

Bishop, N. (2011). Predicting Multiple DUI Offenders Using the Florida DRI, 2007-2008. Substance Use and Misuse, 46, 5, 696-703.

Bishop, N. (2011). Predicting rapid DUI recidivism using the DRI on a statewide sample of Floridian DUI offenders. Substance Use and Misuse, 118, (2-3), 423-429.

Bishop, N. J. (2011). BAC classification as predictor of DUI recidivism in the context of offenders' demographic, criminal, and behavioral characteristics. Unpublished manuscript.

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Ericson, E., Freeman, B., & Modeen, A. (2010). DWI repeat offenders in the criminal justice system: National trends and policy options for New Hampshire. Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth College, The Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences.

Robertson, R., Simpson, H., & Parsons, P. (2008). Screening, assessment, and treatment of DWI offenders: A guide for justice professionals and policy makers. Traffic Injury Research Foundation.

Institute for Legal, Administrative, and Policy Studies University of Illinois at Springfield (2003). The Illinois DUI assessment instrument project.

Chang, I., Gregory, C., & Lapham, S. C. (2002). Review of screening instruments and procedures for evaluating DWI offenders. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

Davignon, D. D. (2001). DUI arrests, BAC at the time of arrest and offender assessment test results for alcohol problems.

Lacey, J. H., Jones, R. K., & Wiliszowski, C. H. (1999). Validation of problem drinking screening instruments for DWI offenders. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA DOT HS 808 881)

Marstellar, F. A., & Davignon, D. D. (1997). A validation study of the DRI-II in a large sample of DUI Offenders. External report.

Leshowitz, B. & Meyers, J. M. (1996). Application of Decision Theory to DUI Assessment. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 20, (7), 1148-1153.

Ponkin, C.L., Kannenberg, C.H., Lacey J.H. & Waller, P.F. (1988). Assessment of classification instruments designed to detect alcohol abuse. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA DOT HS 807 475)