The DVI is comprised of 155-item self-report assessment intended for persons accused or convicted of domestic violence or related offenses.

The items comprise 6 scales: 1) Truthfulness Scale; 2) Violence Scale; 3) Alcohol Scale; 4) Drug Scale 5) Control Scale and 6) Stress Management

4 risk classifications, along with clinical judgement are used to inform treatment recommendations.

Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI), Scientific Findings.

Center for Legal Studies, Institute for Public Affairs. (1999). An implementation evaluation of the enhanced domestic violence probation program in Champaign County. Report prepared for the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.

Davingnon, D. (2002). Domestic Violence Inventory: Reliability and Validity Study. Internal report for Risk & Needs Assessment Inc.

Davingnon, D. (2003). Assessment driven treatment. Corrections Forum, 30-32.

Pike, C. K., & Buttell, F. P. (2003). Investigating the Differential Effectiveness of a Batterer Treatment Program on Outcomes for African American and Caucasian Batterers. Research on Social Work Practice, 13, (6) 675-692. doi: 10.1177/1049731503254055

Davingnon, D. (2006). Domestic Violence Offender Assessment: Validation of the Domestic Violence Inventory. Internal report commissioned by Behavior Data Systems Inc.

Boufford, J. A., & Muftic, L. R. (2007). An examination of the outcomes of various components of a coordinated community response to domestic violence by male offenders. Journal of Family Violence, 22, 353-366. DOI 10.1007/s10896-007-9086-y

Muftic, L. R., & Bouffard, J. A. (2007). An evaluation of gender differences in the implementation and impact of a comprehensive approach to domestic violence. Violence Against Women, 13, 1 46-69.

Todd, D. R. (2009).Evaluating the effectiveness of domestic violence treatment in Washington State. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 69(8-A), 3333. Unpublished Dissertation Northcentral University.

Newman, C. (2010, April). Expert domestic violence risk assessments in family court. Report commissioned by RESPECT, with support from the DV Intervention Project, and Ahimsa, Safer Families.

Lindeman, H., & Khandaker, H. (2011). Published in the Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly Volume 4, Number 1, p.49.