Behavior Data Systems (BDS) believes that using specific tests, designed to identify specific problems, is key to minimizing risk, enhancing treatment outcomes, and increasing public safety.

This website provides test users with research findings that underscore the practical and clinical uses of BDS tests. Research summaries for each BDS test are available for download.

• If you are a Current Users looking for relevant research

• If you are a New Users looking for a test to evaluate a problem

Tests must be consistent and accurate. On this website, test users can also learn about essential test properties like reliability, validity, and truthfulness scoring. These concepts are explained for users who want, or need to know about the importance of psychometrics in testing.

For more information about BDS research, or for help finding the right test for your agency, contact us to schedule an individual, no cost consultation.

Behavior Data Systems (BDS) is interested in research collaborations with agencies that are using our tests. Please contact us if you are interested in conducting research using a BDS test.